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Welcome to the young budding hoteliers who are a part of this hospitality industry.

IHMSS commands you to adhere to norms & etiquette for success in any competing role.

Professionalism, attitude & grooming will lay your path to achieve success.

This is a general list of Norms & Etiquette to be adhered for self development:

  1. Students are expected to be in the college by 8.45 am. College gate closes at 9.00 am  

  2. Punctuality is a life skill & always do your best to report on time for lectures & practical’s.

  3. During monsoon a 10 mins buffer will be allowed for the students travelling by local transport

  4. Grooming will be checked by the appropriate “Grooming committee representatives” at the entrance daily, as per grooming standards. Non – compliance will be reported so grooming should be immaculate.

  5. Identity cards to be worn all the time

  6. Mobile phones should not be used during lectures / practical’s

  7. Students are prohibited from playing any music, games, and sports in the college premises or Entrance without permission

  8. Students must regularly update themselves with college activities and updates through College Website and Notice board.

  9. Loss / Damage/ theft of personal valuable, cash, gadgets or any other property is Owner responsibility. The institute cannot be held liable under any circumstances for claims and further consequential loss.

  10. Smoking, consuming alcohol, tobacco or drugs are strictly prohibited within college premises and 500 meters outside

  11. No Chewing of Gums in the college premises.

  12. Theory & Practicals to be attended in the complete designated uniform availed from the College and   appropriate practical kit. Uniform must be clean, tidy and ironed.

  13. No rings, bracelets and bands to be worn. Watches must be subtle and formal.

  14. Accessories like Bow tie, napkins etc are available in the College Stores and can be purchased on all working days between 10.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. on payment from Canteen Cafeteria / Stores.

  15. English is the only medium of communication. Your behavioral conduct should reflect Courtesy and respect to all. Behavior in the immediate vicinity and on external visit should preserve the decorum of IHMSS. 

  16. Medical condition should be highlighted with the health certificate / dermatologist & appropriate letter from the parent / guardian. The college / coordinators may verify if the need be.

  17. 75% is a mandatory grant of the term. Absenteeism will not be tolerated without any genuine reason and medical certificate to be submitted if need be in case of accidents and emergencies.

  18. Daily attendance and any important information will be sent to the parent/ guardian via sms Alerts if you are not getting the same please contact admin office & update your telephone no.

  19. Suspension /Legal action will be taken in case of damaging college property or theft. 

  20. Students may be required to attend, demonstrations, outdoor catering services (minimum 10 each year) besides their normal college hours and outside college premises as prescribed from time to time, failing to do results in reduction in the marks.

  21. Students must not take up any outdoor catering or functions without prior permission of the college authorities. If any student is found to be attending any ODC / Part time job without the permission of the college, appropriate action such as suspension, cancellation of admission or rustication will be taken.

  22. Once the list of students is put up on the notice board for outdoor catering by the concerned faculty, no request would be entertained for a change. Students who fail to attend the ODC would be fined with Rs.500/- and suspension for 3 days.

  23. Students must not loiter in the college corridors while classes are on.           

  24. In the college, debates and other meetings organized by the students, the chair must be taken by a responsible person approved by the Principal and the subjects of debates must have the previous approval of the Principal.

  25. No student will be allowed to take active part in current politics.

  26. Students should not communicate any information to or write about matters dealing with the College administration to press.

  27. If for any reason, the continuance of students in the college is in the opinion of the authorities, detrimental to the best interests of the college, they may ask such students to leave  the college without giving reasons. Students are encouraged to use of the Library and Media Center, Computer Lab and Internet Corner, subject to availability of the room.

  28. Students should adhere to vacation dates strictly. they are not permitted to go before vacation or joining late to the college after vacation. The students are not allowed to leave without Permission from counselor or Principal.

  29. Day Scholars are not permitted in the Hostel.

  30. Any change of address / telephone number the students are requested to intimate the college immediately about the new address.Please treat this as the student’s responsibility.

  31. All important / documents / Mark sheets and circulars will be issued to the students, and it’s their responsibility to pass it to their Parents/ Guardian. Parents to check the emails and Mobile for update. Parents may contact class counselors for any clarification.

  32. Parents & Visitors can visit the college during stipulated visiting hours with permission from 3.00 – 5.00 p.m. on working days. In case of emergencies please contact the Principal.

  33. Parents / Guardians can meet principal with prior appointment only. Please call Mr. Sanjay for appointment on telephone no.66906504.

  34. College undertakes many different types of activities which is required for all round  development of a student’s personality.  Participating in college activities is a must.

  35.  Non compliance with rules of the college can also be dealt with by means of suitable fines and appropriate disciplinary action.

Discipline, Rules & Regulations for Students


  • Hair to be tied in a bun with net .Coloring the hair or highlight should be avoided

  • Nail paints & Henna / visible tattoos are prohibited. Well trimmed clean nails at all time.

  • Single pair of studs are permitted.

  • Polished plain black safety /oxford shoes with black socks are permitted.

  • Appropriate highlight make-up is permitted.


  • Hair to be well groomed, greased, gelled or trimmed. Side buns half way to ear lobe and length upto collar is permitted. Coloring the hair or highlight should be avoided.

  • Nail paints & Henna / visible tattoos are prohibited. Well trimmed clean nails at all time.

  • No Ear wear permitted.

  • Polished plain black safety /oxford shoes with black socks are permitted.

  •  Face should be clean shaved.

Grooming standards to be adhered

Institutional Guidelines for Students & Staff

Purpose of Guidelines:  

The guidelines are devised to assist and provide students, staffs and faculties a clear indication of social media and its ability. This document is for IHMSS who is using the social media to build a foundation for communication and interaction online for the smooth functioning in the organization and to ensure that the brand further builds its online reputation.


Why Social Media Guidelines: 

The spread of digital media is to share the information but with the rapid development in the technology the spread of news is in no time by using various popular networking sites like face book and Instagram which has even beat the electronic and print media. Utilizing this vibrant nature of social media for uplifting the brand and engaging with the apt target audience can ensure a long –lasting relationship of the audience with the brand and will bring in more consumer loyalty and brand value to the organization apart from immense opportunities of the social media there are also some threats so it is said to be double –edged sword which needs to be used cautiously. This document will enable the organization to set a standard process for the operation on social media so that one can find the do’s and don’ts of all the activities for the same.


Scope of guidelines: 

This document is meant for all the students faculty members, staff and members of the organization to promote activities and initiatives taken by IHMSS directly or indirectly across the online channels available which in turn will increase the brand reputation.


Fundamental Rules of Action:

IHMSS Website helps to look for any recent updates and news of any initiatives or the activity happening in the college. The official senior coordinator will manage the social media activities of content creation, compilation, posting through a monthly content calendar.


Day to Day online activities:

The day to day online activities includes reverting to the questions , reviews , post comments on time is crucial for the smooth and ideal functioning  of the page . A monthly content calendar should be there with events scheduled by using advance social media, marketing tools. The photographs and the videos need to be in line with the broad guidelines of the institute.


The Must Follow:

IHMSS shall use the name in all the official pages inclusively.  The rights shall stay only for the official page of the organization. With the logo incorporated in the background image and it should be same which is used for the college.


General responsibilities of faculties about the guidelines:

Before using the organization’s social media platform.  The faculties should go through all the guidelines and also adhere to them strictly.


Social media guidelines for faculties:

Faculties and staff shall actively participate in promoting the initiatives that college undertakes and highlight them across social media platforms.  Faculties and staff should understand that they are an integral part of the college and all the actions by them on/off social media are perceived as the college activities and a part of college culture. The personal profile and comments on your individual pages could   have an impact on the reputation of the college/ event so need to be thoughtful about what you post. The institute should encourage the faculties and staff to write blogs, share research papers and industry articles.


General responsibilities of students about the guidelines:

Before using the organization’s social media platform.  The faculties should go through all the guidelines and also adhere to them strictly. It is the responsibilities of the concerned authority appointed by the management to ensure that students read and understand all the guidelines and also adhere to them strictly.


Social media guidelines for individual – Students: 


  • The students and the individuals associated to IHMSS needs to understand that any idea or      comments posted by any student will certainly have direct or indirect impact on the reputation of the college. Be thoughtful before you post.

  • Keep the respectful tone for your colleagues, faculties and staff across internet platforms

  • Remember social media is not the place to post any mismanagement or any disputes that you       may have with the faculty members, department and regulation. One should reach out to the correct point of contact in person for the same and refrain to post any grievance on social media

  • Do not post anything that will come back to haunt you. Remember the employers might go through the college profile and your personal profile before selecting you for the interview or for the placements. Having inappropriate functioning of your social media accounts can lead to intangible effects on you and the organization.

  • Do not post offensive statements, pictures or videos on the web. A small joke by you could be bullying or harassment for someone else. Any such cases will be taken seriously by the disciplinary committee of the organization.

  • For the post pertaining to education or the organization, you will be solely responsible for the created content in any form. Be mindful here again.

  • Using fake accounts and names – Modern advance tracking tools can quickly find out the sources of the content. Assuming that none will find you or hold you accountable for the objectionable posts will land the individual in serious legal engagement.

  • Spreading rumors / disrespect on the web – Remember that social media pages are on contact watch by the coordinators and management. Avoids rumors / messages of violence and hate through organizational pages, groups and your personal profiles.

  • The logo stands for college identity and misuse can have serious implications. Do not use the logo of the college in any unofficial communication without the coordinators approval.

  • Do not comment any offensive comments regarding sex, gender, caste, race, reassignment, disability, religion, sexual orientation, belief or age .


 " These rules are not exhaustive & may be subject to change as directed by the Principal "


  • Before publishing the posts & reviews. The mistakes should be fixed by proof reading . Review the content again after you publish it because  of sneaky errors

  • Use good quality images and videos with content related to the image of the events

  • Be responsive to the queries, comments and messages or it might create misconception about institute and will effect the brand.

  •  Maintain uniform identity, communication and representation of the content while posting on different platforms.

  •  Eye catchy tiles and description is must  for the people to understand the information  about the video or the image 

  • Don’t be negative or aggressive online with the trolls and comments it is better to be decent and courteous on social media which creates a positive image.

  • Always check the notification  which helps  us to understand the no of  the views of the website and the pace of the monitoring and helps us to remove the spammy comments

  • Prioritizing the networks   by using official networking sites such as LinkedIn helps us to connect with the industry and increases the network with various companies. While Face book and Instagram are quite useful in engaging students and Alumni.

  • Around 4 -6 Hashtags are recommended too many hashtags creates a poor appearance of the post.

  • Avoid tagging instead mention the person / company as it looks more elegant and creates a sober perception. It helps in reaching out to maximum people.

IHMSS DOs and DON'Ts :

Social Media Guidelines 2022-23 for Faculties & Students

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